  • W / A / S / D for movement.
  • Arrow Keys for camera angle.
  • Shift / Space for up/down.
  • Backtick to toggle settings.

If swapping mesh generation mode causes no terrain to be rendered and instead only water, press "Reset World".
If the page looks broken and only a shadowed element is rendered, then your browser most likely does not support WebGPU.
If changing settings yields a black canvas you've likely overflowed a buffer limit set by your system. Refresh the page.
Latest Update: Implemented a quantized mode which outlines hexagons.
September 4th, 2023 at 11:05PM
Hypersphere is a work-in-progress game that takes place on surface of a sphere. I'm still deciding where to take game aspect of the project, and am currently just implementing technologies which I find interesting.
This website will be occasionally updated with notable updates and include a live version of the code as I work on development.